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FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR - MC56F8037EVM - 评估板套件 MC56F8037  类型:Hardware - Eval/Demo Board 套件包含:MC56F8037EVM, USB-JTAG adapter, cables, CD 支持系列:56F802x, 56F803x 工具/板应用:通用MCU, MPU, DSP, DSC 套件包含:MC56F8037 DSC, USB-JTAG adapter (USB-TAP), USB cables (power over USB), Interface to 56F8000 expansion daughter cards, Free License for CodeWarrior Development StudioTM for 56800/E (up to 16KB), Processor Expert tool with software libraries, Preprogrammed sample application for three-phase brushless DC motors 工具/板应用:Evaluation / Development 开发工具类型:Evaluation Board 支持器件:MC56F8037 上海 0 新加坡1 英国5 1 1 删除