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FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR - KITMPR083EVM - 触摸传感器评估套件 8位置旋转式  类型:Hardware - Eval/Demo Board 工具/板应用:通用MCU, MPU, DSP, DSC 套件包含:MPR083 Proximity Sensor Controller and an MC68HC908JB8JDW microcontroller, Sample rotary pads, Plastic cover for rotary, Standard 15 pin header, LEDs – 1 for PWR, 1per Pad, Resistors – for each electrode, Processor – MC68HC908JB8JDW, 8 pad Rotary – Reference design, USB connectivity for power and PC access, USB cable 工具/板应用:Sensor Controller Evaluation / Development 开发工具类型:Evaluation Kit 支持器件:MPR083, MPR084 上海 0 新加坡 0 英国1 1 1 删除